Dates of Historical Significance that also work as a score in a table tennis match (DOHS🏓)
Welcome to a brand new project from BTTC. It is called Dates of Historical Significance that also work as a score in a table tennis match or DOHS🏓 for short.
And everyone is invited to participate!
The idea is that a date can be used as a table tennis score. For example the 5th of February could represent the score 5-2.
With this in mind we would like to invite anyone in the world to submit their suggestions of the date of a historical event that could be used as a table tennis score.
We are looking for the day and the month for example 5 – 7 = the 5th of July.
If you know of a significant historical event simply fill out the quick DOHS🏓 form and submit your suggestion.
As we intend to use this verbal scoring system in real future matches, we also require an “Umpire call.”
10-3 The first telephone call is made
Umpire’s call “HELLO OPERATOR”
Year :1876
2-10 The Great Cheese Riot (Nottingham Goose Fair)
Umpire’s call : “DE-BRIE EVERYWHERE.”
Year: 1766
A reminder that scores in table tennis go up to 11 although there is of course the possibility of higher scores if the match goes to deuce.
So 14/12 is the latest possible date!!
Historical events can be relevant to the UK or international. We welcome multiple DOHS🏓 for the same score.

Codified DOHS🏓 that have been approved by the committee of arbiters :
View the list online here.
Take part…
Submit your dates of historical significance that can work as a score in a table tennis match using this form: