Make a gift in your will
Make a legacy gift to Brighton Table Tennis Club in your will

Table tennis gets under your skin for lots of reasons. It’s fun, addictive, fast and competitive. It connects generations – there are few sports where children and adults can really play together. It connects communities – the BTTC family is amazing.
Leaving a gift in your will to Brighton Table Tennis Club could be a perfect way to mark your love of the game and support the diverse community of players at the club and help ensure we are here for generations to come.
If you would like to leave a gift in your will to the club, the best thing to do is talk to your solicitor and they can include BTTC when you write your will or add a codicil if you would like to change it. Or you can write your will on line,
Please remember to use the club’s full name and registered charity number in your will if you decide to remember us.
Brighton Table Tennis Club
Registered charity number 1160103
If you’d like to talk to us first – perhaps there’s a specific area of our work you are particularly interested in supporting – our work with refugees, school children or people with disabilities – contact Tim Holtam and he’ll be happy to meet up for a chat.